岗位名称:采购管理岗 工作职责: 1.负责公司集中采购管理委员会办公室工作;协助有关公司集中采购管理及投诉管理; 2.指导和协助公司各部门完成采购计划;完善模板类作业文件的编制。 3.负责公司总承包项目主要设备、材料的采***的业务的具体实施; 4.归口公司供应商管理;管理公司供应商库和黑名单库相关工作。 5.结合工程项目实际需求,参与国内/外供应商开发寻源、对接、项目履约绩效评价等。 6.协助和指导各项目催交监造、组织物资发运、接货、验收、物资仓储等工作 7.参与对中电工程所属企业境外投资类项目中采购及物流相关部分的风险复评。 8.负责建立、管理评审专家库。 9.负责中国能建电子采购...
Founded in London in 2010, The Green Recruitment Company is a global, award-winning specialist provider of recruitment solutions across the Renewable Energy, Clean Technology and Energy Investment Finance sectors. We are headquartered in London with offices in Amsterdam, Madrid, Dusseldorf, Cape...
Responsibilities: Collect and condense publicly available and subscription-based market data to support the development of company’s portfolio of syndicated research projects Organize, cleanse, and analyze market data into actionable market intelligence relevant to the energy storage sector Deve...